
Who We Are?

Chhuli Gachhadar had donated some land  to  Manikchand  Das seventy years ago. At that land Kabir sthan had been established. Some saint  has been managing this  Kabir sthan. Under managing of Swami Murali Dharanand sahib, Nada Sadhana Prakash Peeth has Established on 2063 B.S. through Kabir Sthan by the grace of initiator  H.H. Mahant Prakash Mani Saheb.

Nada Sadhana Prakash Peeth have been giving initiation of Nada Sadhana and to lift in the deep experience of Nada for National and International people. This Nada Shadhana generates experience of Fourth State (Turiya) which is called Transcendental State . It is necessary of institute to provide education and initiation of Nada Sadhana .


Latest Sadhanas ( Delivered in Mauritius ) Download

This sequence will stretch the upper chest and armpits, encourage external rotation in your upper arms, and ultimately allow more freedom of movement for your shoulders. You'll feel your chest expand and your breath flow increase even before you take yourself upside down. And when you're ready for Shoulderstand.
